"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer"

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Last Supper

Tuesday, May 12

I woke up today suuuper tired. Maybe it was from being in a new place. Or maybe because I was sleeping on the floor instead of a bed (even though I'd slept on two futons)! But ugh, I still had to take my last final. 
It was really nice being, literally, on campus! I basically walked out of bed and over to the library to study. Then I went to R to talk to people and then walked with Emma to K, where our exams were (300 and 400 were next door to each other). When I walked into my room, Pearl was in there talking to Heather and Natalia, so I invited her to ID on Thursday too, since I'd already invited Heather and Natalia, and Pearl said she'd go because she'd been thinking of going anyway. Yay! I couldn't wait!

The exam was super easy! The only one I wasn't sure about was one of the particle ones, because particles suck and I hate them.

And then I was freeee! Except not, because I had to rush back home to meet Father so he could take my things to school for me (he'd said the earlier, the better). So I quickly turned in my locker key on my way out. I ran into Devon, Rafa, and Minju and they all told me they were going to Tokyo for the next three days. Whoa!! 
On my way to the station, I passed Emma, Minju (again), and another girl. They were all going to lunch at Cafe Downey, where I've been wanting to go because my friend from back home used to work there! Rawrr!! They invited me along, but I had to meet Father. If only my host parents hadn't thrown me out!

At Ichinomiya, I stopped by the church on my way home. Father and this man, who was a friend of his and was coming along to help, were there waiting. We drove to my host family's apartment and the man, whose name was Mori, came with me inside to help bring out my things. Thankfully no one was home. Mori took one suitcase and I got the rest. Then Father got everything inside and we drove off to Nanzan.

At Nanzan, he drove me right up to the kopan and he and Mori helped unload stuff. They asked if I wanted to ride back with them, but I figured I'd better get settled first, so I declined and they drove off.

The emergency room is down a set of stairs, so I had to lug all my bags down the stairs one by one. But I finally got them all down and then into my room and locked them inside.

Then I left to get some food from 100 Lawson's and then rode the train to Nagoya station to use the wifi there to call home. I talked to my mom, saw Minju leaving for Tokyo below me (I was up on a balcony), and got yelled at by a security guard for sitting on the floor, and then after that for sitting on the railing. Japan seriously needs to put benches inside buildings.

And then I left for my host family's place. When I got there, Yuko and I cleaned the last bits of trash out of my room. Then we took the furniture out and I vacuumed the rug and the hot carpet underneath. Then we took those out too and Miyabi helped me sweep and scrub the floor. An soon everything was clean and super kira kira!

Then Ken came home so we had dinner. We had this yummy sweet and sour like chicken with rice and soup and veggies. Again, they talked to me a lot at dinner, so it was actually fun. Then Yuko said she'd made dessert! She said it started with "me", so we were all trying to guess. I guessed "maple syrup," but she said no. I ended up getting it finally, when I said "melon pan"! Whoa!! Melon pan!

She'd made it at her bread making class! And it had raisins in it. I heard her say to Ken, that that's what I'd said was my favorite bread on my blog.

It ended up being really, really good! It had the sugar on top and the melon pattern and everything! But she said she probably couldn't make it again without the help of her teacher. I asked what ingredients she had used and it was the normal flour, baking powder, sugar, except she'd also used melon oil! Whoa!

Then we ate the candy my mom had sent for Miyabi for Easter. Ken really liked the Lego candy my mom had sent because he likes Lego. They all kept asking me if they could really eat it an I said yes, they could! So they finally did haha. And then Yuko brought out matcha kit kats that she had bought, since those are my favorite, so we ate those too.

Then Ken went to put the pictures of the first Handa matsuri that I wanted on my camera (except he ended up putting the most recent Handa matsuri, not the first!) and Yuko and I sat and talked for a while before I saw it was already 8:30 and I said I'd better leave.
So they drove me to the station again and I left to go back to my room under the cafeteria. 

Tonight there was a different guy. He was nice as well and spoke pretty good English. Although, he told me I couldn't use the showers, even though I got in at 9:56. Oh well I was super tired and just wanted to sleep anyway.

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