"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer"

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I joined the photography club!

Esteban and I saw each other on the train to Kanayama today and then rode the subway together. On the subway this herd of elemtary school kids that looked about 5 or 6 got on with their teachers. They all had cute maroon berets and were from some Catholic school.


Then we met up with the usual people at Yagoto Nisseki to walk to school.
Yesterday when it was raining, we all saw this awesome bug! I touched it and Scout freaked out and told me that her host dad had told her it's dangerous to tough bugs here because people have ended up with huge boils as a result. Whoops. I washed my hands right away though and I was fine.

(The caterpillar thing we saw yesterday. It looked clear and rubbery, but when I touched it, it was furry! It's so cute!)

At lunch today, I got the special because it was mini misokatsudon!!

(Sooo good! I was still hungry afterwards lol!)

During lunch, Ryan showed everyone this book his roommate had given him called Making Out In Japanese. It had basically every sexual phrase you'd ever want to know how to say in Japanese, written in English, romaji, and hiragana. It was awesome!!! I sat with Tom and Ryan and the three of us read a bunch of the phrases and completely cracked up over it. Now I know how to say "do you have a condomn?" in Japanese hahaha!

Natalia, Heather, and I sat outside Lawson's when we were done eating and did our homework. Also, we all bought bread. Natalia gave me a bear sticker this morning and Heather got jealous, so Natalia bought more bread to give Heather the sticker.
Then Heather and I got this newly released pink Rilakkuma bread!!!

I saw it had jam and cream in it, but it was so cute I decided to risk it. Bad idea. I got really sick shortly after eating it.

So I'd decided to join the Nanzan photography club, and I'd emailed them and this girl named Hikari had answered me and said we could meet today outside of Lawson's so she could show me the ropes of the club. 
She was really nice and good at English! She showed me a book about developing photos, which I already knew all about because I did that in high school. She wanted to show me the dark room at Nanzan, but it was in use today, so she said she'd email me so I could see it another day. She also told me about an exhibit with everyone's photos going on in Sakae. I'm going to go before I drink with Keniichiro tomorrow.
She told me I could buy a film camera or if that was too expensive I can just use my digital camera (good!) and the first meeting is April 7!
I went back over to Natalia and Heather afterwards and told them about it and Natalia said she wanted to join too because she'd been the president of the photography club back at her university. I asked Hikari before she left if Natalia could come to the meeting and the exhibit as well and Hikari said she could!

Folklore was kinda boring today, as always. I hate that it ends at 5:30. So late!

When I got home, Ken was leaving to get the mail. When he got back, we had nabe for dinner because today was so freaking cold! It had cabbage, tofu, any gyoza in it! Yummmyy!! Then we put udon in it and after the rest of us were done, Ken used it to cook some ramen for himself.

After dinner, Miya and I went to my room to look for kuma (the Line bear earphone holder on my phone. I'd taken it out one day to put my earbuds in and now I can't find it) but we couldn't find it. :(

Then Miya did my hair. She braided it and I learned the word for braid in Japanese! It's "mitsuami." Also, ponytail holder is "gomu." Such useful words!

(For all the Ribbon fans out there ;) )


  1. Ribbon is so CUTE!!
    You will be very good in the photography club. DB

    1. He is, right?? Ahh, I can't get enough of that picture!
      And thank you, I hope so!

  2. I used to have a book like that for french. Hilarious!!! You'll have to teach me some phrases xP

  3. Ribbons has a hypnotic stare.........................................................................................
